
2012.09.15 Updated A Closer Look articles

I have added some new articles to my page on the Breed Standard from Chris Heartz's illustrated series "A Closer Look".

2012.09.11 Boxer in Washington State

Boxer will be standing at stud in Washington state as of 9/11/12 with Celeste Solano of CR Poms. If you are interested in breeding to him please contact myself or Celeste. Girls can be shipped in to Seattle.

2012.08.12 New CH and GCH!

This weekend in PA, Roulette won WB for a 3 pt major to complete her championship! And Kert finished the weekend with a BOB over 5 other specials to complete his Grand Championship! I also put a major on my friend Becky's boy Jolt.

2012.07.29 Priya is a champion!

Priya won BOW today for a major in Pennsylvania to finish her championship!!

2012.07.14 Canadian Trip

We had an exciting time in Canada!! Darcy won BOB, Toy Group 1st and Reserve Best In Show, breeder/owner handled, the morning of the Canadian National Specialty. Then his half brother Cole won BISS at the National!! Our Kert took Best In Sweeps and Winners Dog!

2012.07.07 Priya major

Priya won a 3 pt major today in MD!! And Kert won BOB. He is now halfway to his Grand Championship.

2012.06.23 Two majors!!

What a great day! Kert finished with his FOURTH major today and Roulette took WB the same day for her first major!!

2012.06.16 Email not working

Since the beginning of June my email on this site has been bouncing. If you sent me an email since then please re-send it, it should be working now.

2012.06.10 Boxer finishes!

Boxer finished his championship today going WD/BOW for a 4 pt major!!

2012.06.09 BISS Cole!!

Cole won BISS at the Pomeranian Club of Ontario specialty today, and one of his daughters took WB/BOW!

2012.05.28 Busy Memorial Day weekend!

This weekend Polly won her first points her first weekend out, and Malcolm won a 3 pt major to complete his championship!

2012.05.20 Another major for Kert!

Kert won his THIRD major today and needs just 1 point to finish.

2012.04.22 Kert wins his second major!

Kert won his second major today in Maryland going WD for 3 pts! He just needs a few singles to finish. Also Malcolm won another BOB for another single!

2012.04.07 Darcy wins a Group 2!!

Exciting weekend at the shows. Darcy wins a Group 2 and Kert wins BOW for another point.

2012.04.03 New video of Boxer

New video of Boxer at 16mos old.